About a year or so back, I experimented with launching Thoughtful Thursday as a hashtag project on Twitter. (#thoughtfulthursday). The goal of it being to simply take a few minutes out of each Thursday and help someone (or even a few people if you had the time) in your personal social media network.
My own workload increased dramatically last year and I was forced to set the idea aside for a while. But I liked the thought of taking some time each week to try to help others. Nothing formal, just a quick sort of "how can I help you today?" thing. I was hoping it would catch on in a big way, and while some others did pick it up, it wasn't planned out all that well and was probably trying to do too much too soon.
So I'm revisiting this idea now - but on a personal level only. If other people want to start doing this again, that's great - the universe can always use more positivity. And if you end up committing to this (the way I hope to be able to) and want to link blogs, etc. then feel free to contact me.
In the meantime, I'm going to kick this off today. I won't be able to handle all the requests, but if you think I can help you in some way, then feel free to leave a comment below. Presumably, given the three areas of my life that I focus on most: writing, producing, and martial arts - your request for help or assistance should probably involve one of those. Maybe you've got a new story you'd like feedback on (I'll consent to read five pages of anything, but no longer due to legal reasons), or you've got questions about the film/TV industry, or maybe you need advice on self protection.
Or maybe you'd just like me to let my network know that you're looking for a new job in Kalamazoo. It's up to you. I can also be reached on Twitter
@jonfmerz or over on Facebook at
The Jon F. Merz Page.
So, drop me a line, tweet, or comment here.
Thoughtful Thursday: How can I help you today?